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Kitchen Fires -How to Prevent & Put Them Out

Have you ever gotten sick of the same old recipes that you have always used and just wanted to try something new? We sure have, and the first thing to do is get online and find a recipe for something that?s new and delicious. However, straying from the old recipes that you?ve mastered and getting experimental can sometimes lead to the last thing that any amateur baker, or even a professional baker for that matter, wants to experience; a kitchen fire. All types of home fires are extremely dangerous, but most are preventable, especially when it comes to the kitchen. Kitchen fires account for roughly 40% of all home fires, and 36% of all fire-related injuries, according to the

National Fire Protection Association. So in order to stay safe, follow these easy safety tips, courtesy of the NFPA.


1.Always be alert. It isn?t bad to have a fun time and want to let loose a little bit and celebrate, but your drunken, yet genius, idea to cook up some more jello shots or see what will happen to your cellphone if you put it in the oven is never a good idea. Even if you are just coming home from a late night out or a long work shift, make sure you are awake enough to keep an eye on what you are cooking. If you?re too tired or tipsy, do not use the stove or oven.

  1. Never leave the kitchen ? even for a short time ? when food is frying, grilling, or broiling and don?t leave the house if food is simmering, baking, or roasting. No matter how ?fast? you think you might be or how much you think you have it under control, leaving food cooking without watching it is a recipe for disaster. It is always better safe than sorry.

  2. Don?t trust yourself to remember just how long food has been cooking, set a timer to remind you when to do the next step or if the food is done. The last thing you want is to get carried away in anything else that your mind may be wandering to that will make you forget about the food. Overcooked food leads to burned food, and burned food leads to fires.

  3. Clear away from stovetops anything that can catch fire, like cloth and paper towels, oven mitts, and wooden spoons.


If the unthinkable does happen, make sure to stay calm and stay safe. Follow these steps in the case of a kitchen fire

  1. Get out of the kitchen. Close the door behind you when you leave to help prevent the fire from spreading to the rest of your house.

  2. When you reach safety, call 911 or your local emergency number.

  3. Make sure others are out of the house and you have an escape route before you try to fight the fire.

  4. Smother a grease fire by sliding a pot lid over the pan then turn off the stove. Don?t remove the lid until the pan is cool.

  5. If your oven catches fire, turn it off and keep the door closed.

  6. Finally, after the fire has been put out, call a trained professional, such as Sincerely Yours Inc, to help ensure the fire damage and smoke odor is completely removed and cleaned up.

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